Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct 25th Reviews

Whew... "better late than never" seems to be a life-defining phrase for me right now. Sorry for the delay! First up, it's Paranormal Activity 2, a sequel to a pretty awesome horror flick and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog... something rather difficult to define. Read my attempt to explain the cult classic (if it isn't, it should be) after the jump.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Browncoats, Unite!

Nothing but good things have been coming out about the Uncharted (2) game and apparently they are going to try and capitalize on this success and make it a movie. While I was borderline on this news at first, I then discovered this:

Yes, Nathan Fillion (a.k.a Captain Reynolds, Captain Hammer, Richard Castle) is running a Twitter/viral campaign to be cast as Nathan Drake. While I know relatively little about the Uncharted world, what I have seen leads me to believe that Fillion is the perfect fit for the role. This has nothing to do with a man-crush.

I swear...

Anyway, tweet this post, share it on FB or simply use the #nathanfillionfornathandrake tag in your tweets. Get this ball rolling Browncoats!

Oct 18th Reviews

In contrast with last week's post, today I review two films that received... mediocre ratings at best (about 50% each on Rottentomatoes), Devil and TiMER. Check out what I thought (and why I even bothered watching them) after the jump.

Friday, October 15, 2010


As I hinted in earlier posts, I'm now getting back into the world of comic books. I've mostly been reading up on what's been going on with Marvel (and boy, has there been a lot). Specifically, I've been reading up on the X-Men through the collection my roommate has amassed and... Spiderman. Though the character remains the same, almost ALL of his surroundings and situations have been revamped (in one of the worst retcons I've ever heard of, apparently).

That said, I've started picking up Spider-Man in his current incarnation. While I'm slowly adjusting to the new (or I guess I should say really old) Spider-Man, I've been having serious problems with the art. The faux-retro style is really not my thing at all and has been making the adjustment even harder. Issues #642-646 all look like this:
I won't go into why I don't like it, but suffice it to say, it's really not my style. The struggle to stay with the arc was bad enough I considered dropping Spider-Man for a while. Then I saw the trailer for the new upcoming arc (starting with #648 apparently) and... I have hope.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11th Reviews

For review this week, two movies that have received rave ratings: The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. As always, the first is still in theaters and the second is available via Netflix (streaming!).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chewie and Han at RedBubble

People have been asking me non-stop where I got this shirt and I have to say, I can't blame them. A combination of Star Wars and Calvin and Hobbes... pure brilliance.

Created by artist Chris Wahl, he's got several other t-shirts to choose from, but this is definitely one of his best (perhaps I'm a little biased). It sells for $21.73, which is a little pricey for a novel-t... but so worth it in my book.

If you too are interested in this awesome combination, just click on the picture!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Latest iPhone Obsession: Color Bind

In the world of iPhone games, there's quite a lot out there to occupy your time. For me though, I really don't like spending any money on games, no matter how cheap, when I have no idea what they play like. Then I saw the video below and jumped all over this game. There's a free demo, so you can always download that first to see how it plays. The full game costs $1.99. Not bad at all for a few hours of fun.

Color Bind is ridiculously addictive. A very simple concept (basically connect-the-dots), but with a few twists and rules that make its slowly-growing challenge worth several hours of fun, at least. Give it a whirl!

Check out the review of the game  (done by appspy) after the jump.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct 4th Reviews

Here are the first few movies I've reviewed: Buried, Let Me In and... Fido. Not sure one way or the other about seeing these movies and need a final push? Never even heard of some (frankly, I'd be surprised if you knew of Fido)? Read on and see what my take was on each.

As a FYI, my future goal is to review two movies a week, posting them on Monday. One will be currently in theaters and one available in stores (read: Netflix streaming). You're super lucky this week as I review two current movies... and one you've never heard of.