Friday, November 26, 2010

Nov 29th Reviews

This week I review a very linear movie, Unstoppable (note: that was a pun) and a Dutch film of teen angst that's actually watchable, Ben X. This will mark the second week of dark and heavy foreign films available through Netflix and I definitely need a light-hearted break. Any suggestions?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nov 22nd Reviews

This week I'm looking at two polar opposite movies, Red and Antibodies. One is a fun action flick that never takes itself too seriously and pulls all of it's ridiculous stunts quite well. The other is a German film that lacks any fun or humor at all and is possibly one of the most grim movies I've ever seen and still enjoyed.

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's a Trap!

Even as Family Guy stumbles and falters to find the funny these days, the Star Wars spoofs they produce remain some of their funnier material. At last, the third and "final" spoof It's a Trap! releases December 21st. Check out the trailer below!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cowboys and What Now?

I have to say... this is my kind of Western. Let me know what you think. I for one am putting this down as potentially awesome.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nov 15th Reviews

This week in reviews, two movies I had very little interest in seeing but did anyway, Easy A and The Crazies.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gobelins: French Animation, FTW?

The above is just one of many examples of the old-school animation that the "applied arts" school, Gobelins, produces. All of their films are short, beautiful and often outlandish. After watching "The Secret of Kells," I had a desire to see more beautiful, distinctly foreign animation and was reminded of a few shorts I'd seen at this year's SIGGRAPH. If you want to spend some time getting inspired by truly beautiful and unique animation, just get on youtube and search for "gobelins." You won't be disappointed. I've embedded a compilation of some of their shorts after the jump.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kung-Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom Teaser

As good as the first one was, what do y'all think of there being a sequel? Is Po destined to be the next Shrek (i.e. the next beloved character to be run into the ground)? Or is more of the fighting Panda's antics something y'all are craving?

Either way, I'm pretty excited about it, as it will also herald the start of the Kung-Fu Panda show created by none other than Nickelodeon!

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (First Look)

I have been a long-time fan of the original PS3 game (Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm) and was extremely excited to learn a sequel was forthcoming. The gameplay videos and QTEs (quick time events) all looked really well done, and looked to be in keeping with everything that made the original good. In addition, the single-player game looked ridiculously beautiful, and that was an aspect I couldn't care less about in the original game. So... is the game living up to the hype? Check out my first impressions after the jump.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 9th Reviews

This week in reviews, two animated movies that are really fun to look at, Megamind and The Secret of Kells. Note: Each movie poster links to Rotten Tomatoes, which allows you to look at more than just my opinion. In addition, if the movie is available through Netflix, there's a button below the movie's description that allows you to add it to your queue... a handy feature, to be sure.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 1st Reviews

Well, at least these reviews are a bit more "fresh" than the last. The Town, has probably run its course in most theaters (I saw a very late screening of it), but I'll share my opinion on it anyway! This week's Netflix/rental happens to be a very unknown/undersold space-horror, Pandorum. Prepare for amazing wit and in-depth nit-picking, after the jump!